Politico – How Steve Case became Washington’s tech whisperer

Mr. Case has attracted considerable attention from both sides of the aisle for his quest to distribute the benefits of the America’s high-tech economy to areas outside the usual confines of Silicon Valley and News York City.

June 8, 2017

‘On a late March afternoon in the marbled caucus room of the U.S. Senate, more than a hundred entrepreneurs from all over the country—Minneapolis, Albuquerque, Cincinnati—stuffed themselves column-to-column for an unusual session. The topic was the promise of technology for America and the perils it poses to a country in which some regions are being left far behind.

Everyone here—the politicians, the founders, a healthy helping of Capitol Hill staff—was in the room at the invitation (and in the founders’ case, on the dime of) someone whose name some of the younger participants could be forgiven for otherwise not knowing: America Online founder Steve Case.’

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