Who We Are

A strategic consulting and investment firm specializing in commerce between the U.S. and the Asia Pacific.


Years of Executive Leadership in Policy and Business in U.S. and Asia Pacific Relationships

Over $3 Trillion

and growing in global TMT market valuation

7 Years

in Asia Pacific policymaking and business arenas building unique insights into the region

What We Do

Strategic and regulatory risk analysis about the U.S. telecommunications, media and technology marketplace.

What You Need to Know

Washington, DC



WSJ – A Xi Jinping Protégé Rises to Stardom

While no Chinese leader has chosen his own successor in decades, Mr. Xi is an exceptionally strong ruler and has demonstrated a strong, if tacit, preference for Mr. Chen. Further consolidation of power during his next 5 year term may allow him to buck the trend.


  • Michael Regan
  • 1350 Eye St, NW #800
  • Washington, D.C. 20005
  • T. +1.202.744.9671

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